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Generate a visualization from the Assessment results

Visualize_Metric() stable
Visualize_Metric Function
Visualize_Scatter() stable
Group-level visualization of group-level results
Visualize_Score() stable
Group-level visualization of scores.
Widget_BarChartOutput() renderWidget_BarChart() stable
Shiny bindings for Widget_BarChart
Widget_BarChart() stable
Bar Chart Widget
Widget_FlagOverTimeOutput() renderWidget_FlagOverTime() experimental
Shiny bindings for Widget_FlagOverTime
Widget_FlagOverTime() experimental
Flag Over Time Widget
Widget_GroupOverviewOutput() renderWidget_GroupOverview() stable
Shiny bindings for Widget_GroupOverview
Widget_GroupOverview() stable
Group Overview Widget
Widget_ScatterPlotOutput() renderWidget_ScatterPlot() stable
Shiny bindings for Widget_ScatterPlot
Widget_ScatterPlot() stable
Scatter Plot Widget
Widget_TimeSeriesOutput() renderWidget_TimeSeries() stable
Shiny bindings for Widget_TimeSeries
Widget_TimeSeries() stable
Time Series Widget
Analyze_NormalApprox_PredictBounds() stable
Funnel Plot Analysis with Normal Approximation - Predicted Boundaries.
Analyze_Poisson_PredictBounds() stable
Poisson Analysis - Predicted Boundaries.
Make_Timeline() stable
Create interactive timeline for study data


Conduct statistical analysis based on input data

Analyze_NormalApprox() stable
Funnel Plot Analysis with Normal Approximation for Binary and Rate Outcomes.
Analyze_Identity() stable
Identity Analysis.
Analyze_Fisher() stable
Fisher's Exact Test Analysis.
Analyze_Poisson() stable
Poisson Analysis - Site Residuals.

Data Pipeline

Create site-level summary, analyzed, and flagged data for an assessment

Input_Rate() stable
Transform_Count() stable
Transform Count
Transform_Rate() stable
Transform Rate
Flag() stable
Flag_Fisher() stable
Flag_NormalApprox() stable
Flag_Poisson() stable
Summarize() stable
Make Summary Data Frame


Creates summary tables and HTML objects to create a report

Report_FlagOverTime() experimental
Summarize flags by SnapshotDate
Report_FormatFlag() stable
KRI Directionality Logo.
Report_KRI() stable
Report_KRI function
Report_MetricCharts() stable
Render charts for a given metric to markdown
Report_MetricTable() stable
Generate a summary table for a report


Utility functions for use within the Data Model

BindResults() stable
Helper function to bind results from multiple workflows
MakeBounds() stable
Calculate Bounds for display in scatterplots
MakeCharts() stable
Helper function to create charts for multiple metrics
MakeMetric() stable
Parse metadata from workflows to a data frame
MakeLongMeta() stable
Helper function to compile "long" group metadata
MakeWideGroups() stable
Helper function to compile "wide" group metadata
MakeWorkflowList() stable
Load workflows from a package/directory.
ParseThreshold() stable
Parse a string into a numeric vector
RunStep() stable
Run a single step in a workflow.
RunQuery() stable
Run a SQL query with mapping and data
RunWorkflow() stable
Run a workflow via it's YAML specification.
RunWorkflows() stable
Convenience function to easily run multiple workflows
UseClindata() stable
UseClindata Function
Custom Rmarkdown render function

Sample Data

data used for examples and testing

analyticsInput stable
analyticsInput Dataset
analyticsSummary stable
analyticsSummary Dataset
reportingBounds stable
reportingBounds Dataset
reportingGroups stable
reportingGroups Dataset
reportingMetrics stable
reportingMetrics Dataset
reportingResults stable
reportingResults Dataset