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Convert from input data format to needed input format to derive KRI for an Assessment. Calculate site-level count.


Transform_Count(dfInput, strCountCol, strGroupCol = "GroupID")



data.frame Input data with one record per subject. Created by passing Raw+ data into Input_Rate(). Expected columns: GroupID, GroupLevel, Numerator, Denominator and/or columns specified in strCountCol and strGroupCol.


Required. Numerical or logical. Column to be counted.


character Name of column for grouping variable. Default: "GroupID"


data.frame with one row per site with columns GroupID, TotalCount, and Metric.


This function transforms data to prepare it for the analysis step. It is currently only sourced for the Consent and IE Assessments.

Data Specification

(dfInput) must include the columns specified by strCountCol and strGroupCol. Required columns include:

  • GroupID - Group ID

  • GroupLevel - Group Type

  • Numerator - Number of events of interest; the actual name of this column is specified by the parameter strNumeratorCol

  • Denominator - Number of days on treatment; the actual name of this column is specified by the parameter strDenominatorCol

The input data has one or more rows per site. Transform_Count() sums strCountCol for a TotalCount for each site. Metric is set to TotalCount to be used downstream in the workflow.


dfTransformed <- Transform_Count(analyticsInput, strCountCol = "Numerator")