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This function combines multiple domain specifications into a single specification list, ensuring deduplication of columns, resolving conflicts in the required field, and checking for type mismatches.


CombineSpecs(lSpecs, bIsWorkflow = TRUE)



A list of lists, where each sublist represents a either a gsm workflow or a spec object from a workflow


Is lSpecs a list of workflows? If so, .$spec is extracted. Default: TRUE


A list representing the combined specifications across all domains.


spec1 <- list(
  df1 = list(
    col1 = list(required = TRUE),
    col2 = list(required = TRUE)
  df2 = list(
    col3 = list(required = TRUE),
    col4 = list(required = TRUE)

spec2 <- list(
  df1 = list(
    col1 = list(required = TRUE),
    col5 = list(required = TRUE)
  df3 = list(
    col6 = list(required = TRUE),
    col7 = list(required = TRUE)

combined <- CombineSpecs(list(spec1, spec2), bIsWorkflow = FALSE)

mappings <- MakeWorkflowList(strPath = "workflow/1_mappings")
mapping_spec <- CombineSpecs(mappings)