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Fits a Poisson model to site-level data and then calculates predicted count values and upper- and lower- bounds for across the full range of exposure values.


  vThreshold = c(-5, 5),
  nStep = NULL



data.frame Transformed data for analysis. Data should have one record per site with expected columns: GroupID, GroupLevel, Numerator, Denominator, and Metric. For more details see the Data Model vignette: vignette("DataModel", package = "gsm"). For this function, dfTransformed should typically be created using Transform_Rate().


numeric upper and lower boundaries in residual space. Should be identical to the thresholds used AE_Assess().


numeric step size of imputed bounds.


data.frame containing predicted boundary values with upper and lower bounds across the range of observed values.

Statistical Methods

This function fits a Poisson model to site-level data and then calculates residuals for each site. The Poisson model is run using standard methods in the stats package by fitting a glm model with family set to poisson using a "log" link. Upper and lower boundary values are then calculated using the method described here TODO: Add link.


dfTransformed <- Transform_Rate(analyticsInput)

dfBounds <- Analyze_Poisson_PredictBounds(dfTransformed, c(-5, 5))
#> → nStep was not provided. Setting default step to 0.027473153991283