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Attempts to run a single assessment (lWorkflow) using shared data (lData) and metadata (lMapping). Calls RunStep for each item in lWorkflow$workflow and saves the results to lWorkflow.


RunWorkflow(lWorkflow, lData, bReturnData = TRUE, bKeepInputData = FALSE)



list A named list of metadata defining how the workflow should be run.


list A named list of domain-level data frames. Names should match the values specified in lMapping and lAssessments, which are generally based on the expected inputs from X_Map_Raw.


boolean should function return only lData or should meta and steps be included? Default is TRUE.


boolean should the input data be returned? Default is FALSE.


list containing objects named: steps, path, name, lData, lChecks, bStatus, lWorkflowChecks, and lResults.

list contains just lData if bReturnData is TRUE, otherwise returns the full lWorkflow object.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
lAssessments <- MakeWorkflowList("kri0001")
lData <- list(
  dfAE = clindata::rawplus_ae,
  dfCONSENT = clindata::rawplus_consent,
  dfDISP = clindata::rawplus_dm,
  dfIE = clindata::rawplus_ie,
  dfLB = clindata::rawplus_lb,
  dfPD = clindata::ctms_protdev,
  dfSUBJ = clindata::rawplus_dm
wf_mapping <- MakeWorkflowList("mapping")
lMapped <- RunWorkflow(wf_mapping, lData)$lData

output <- map(lAssessments, ~ RunWorkflow(., lMapped))
} # }