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This vignette describes how to extend gsm by creating new “modules”, including metrics, reports and shiny apps that can be run using the standard gsm pipeline described in these vignettes (vignette("DataAnalysis"), vignette("DataReporting")). As shown in the vignette("DataAnalysis"), the gsm data pipeline can be used to capture a monitoring ‘snapshot’ for a study that includes a variety of “modules” including metrics and reports. Some core modules are included in the gsm package, while others can be added as extensions.

This vignette provide detailed specifications for creating new modules, a description of the directory structure for the yaml workflows that comprise a module pipeline, and links to resources that can be used to configure study-level gsm pipelines that utilize these gsm extensions.

Module Configuration

gsm modules will typically be part of an R package and have a YAML configuration file - {module_name}.yaml - saved under \inst\workflow\4_modules. Module config files include 3 key properties:

  • meta: (required) Report metadata used for centralized library and fields referenced in steps section of workflow.
  • spec: (required) Data table requirement for the report. Typically from Mapped_* or Reporting_* data.
  • steps: (required) Functions to produce the reporting output from Mapped_* and/or Reporting_* data to final output (html, csv or shinyApp).

Detailed specifications for each of these sections are provided below.

Example Module Configuration YAMLs

Here are links to several sample module configuration files:

meta Specification

The meta section of a workflow YAML provides key metadata describing the module. It must include the following fields:

  • Name: Name of the reporting output.
  • Type: “Report”, “Metric” or “App”
  • ID: The unique ID for the module. This should be the same as the workflow file name, without extension.
  • Description: A one-line description of the module specified in the workflow.
  • Priority: optional A number specifying the priority of the workflow within the directory, with lower numbers having higher priority, and running first. This is used when workflows within the same directory require outputs from other workflows, and thus need to be run in a particular order. If missing, will be set to 0 to run first.
  • Details: optional A more detailed description of the module specified in the workflow.
  • Repo: Package repo and version. Should be compatible with the repo parameter in remotes::install_github().
  • Status: The validation status of the reporting output. Valid values:
    • Qualified: Output has been qualified via our qualification process specified here.
    • Pilot: Output is being used by pilot studies and is maintained in a package repository.
    • Prototype: Output is created using custom scripts on an ad-hoc basis.

Additional meta header required fields for Modules:

  • Permission: Level of permissions for viewing that match the Users argument in the Study Configuration file. Common values: Admin, Users.
  • Output: The output of the workflow, including format. Each workflow should only produce a single reporting output.
  • ExampleURL: Location of a sample report. For html reports, this is typically a page on the pkgdown site (ending with “/{ModuleID}.html”), or a sample app deployed on

Additional meta header required fields for gsm metrics:

  • GroupLevel: The level at which the metric is calculated. Common values: Site, Country.
  • Abbreviation: Abbreviation of the metric.
  • Metric: Full name of the metric.
  • Numerator: The numerator of the metric.
  • Denominator: The denominator of the metric.
  • AnalysisType: The analysis type. Common values: rate, binary
  • Model: The model used to calculate the metric. Common values: Normal Approximation, Exact, Bayesian.
  • Score: The score used to calculate the metric. Common values: Z-Score, Adjusted Z-Score, P-Value.
  • Threshold: The thresholds needed to flag.

meta example

A simple meta section for a report might look like this:

  File: report_example.yaml
  ID: example_report
  Name: An example report
  Description: A report that is an example
  Type: Report
  Repo: gsm.example v1.0.0
  Status: Qualified
  Permission: Users
  Outputs: An html report

spec Specification

The spec section of the workflow YAML specifies the data requirements for the workflow, including the data tables that are required and the columns that are needed from each table. The gsm data pipeline is designed to be highly customizable, but for the purposes of this vignette, we will assume usage of the standard gsm data model described in vignette("DataModel"). For this standard use case, modules will pull primarily from the “Mapped” and “Reporting” data layers.

The spec section of the workflow YAML is formatted as a list of data tables, with each table containing a list of columns. Finally, each column contains the following parameters:

  • type: Character field describing the data type of the column. Use a mode as defined by R. This parameter is optional.
  • source_col: Character field containing the column name from the source data frame. Only necessary when source column name differs from target column name.

spec example: Metric Module

Metric specs are typically pulled from the mapped data layer. For example, the spec section for the AE KRI metric is:

      type: character
      type: character
      type: character
      type: integer

So, in summary, the AE KRI metric requires two data tables, Mapped_AE and Mapped_ENROLL, both of which are from the mapped data layer. The Mapped_AE table must have a character Subject ID column called subjid while Mapped_ENROLL must have character Subject ID (subjid) and Investigator ID (invid) columns and a numeric timeonstudy column. All columns are required for this metric. Note that other columns may be present in these tables (perhaps due to a spec from a differently module), but only the columns listed in the spec section are required for the metric to run.

spec examples: Report Module

Report modules most often pull data from the Reporting data layer. For example, the Site-level KRI report has the following spec:

      required: true

Note that the _all key word is used to specify that all standard columns from the Reporting_Results data table are expected and that the table required - without it, the report can’t run. The other Reporting tables are used to enhance the report, but are not required, and thus not included in the spec.

The Mapped data layer is also available for use in reports and apps. Most typically, mapped data is used to drill down from high-level metric findings (e.g. “Site 5 has an elevated AE rate relative to other studies”) to site- or participant- level details (e.g. “Participant 00016 from Site 5 had 5 AEs and 3 SAEs reported in the last 3 months.”). For example, the Deep Dive app includes both Reporting and Mapped data in its spec. Here is a representative excerpt from the spec:

      required: true
      type: character
      type: character 
      type: character

steps Specification

Finally, each module yaml configuration file should have a steps property that describes in detail how the module is run. The steps section is a list of functions that are run in sequence to produce the final output. Each item in steps has the following properties:

  • name: The name of the function to be run. This must be a function that is available in gsm package or in a package that is listed in the repo section of the meta header.
  • output: The name of the output of the function. This is the name of the data table that is created by the function.
  • params: A list of parameters that are passed to the function. The parameters are specific to the function that is being run. See below for more details on how to specify parameters for each function.

Note: It is important to note that the default behavior of the RunWorkflow() and RunWorkflows() functions is to return the last output in the steps section of the workflow. therefore, each yaml file- regardless of which directory it is in- should only produce one output, whether that be a data table, list, html output, deployed shiny app, or any other object needed to produce the module output.

The steps is the most complex part of the module configuration and will vary greatly depending on the module type and the specific requirements of the module. gsm provides several functions that allow for module yaml files to be run in a standard way. See ?gsm::RunWorkflow() for more details.

steps[]$params Specification

After processing the YAML meta and spec sections, gsm::RunWorkflow() calls gsm::RunStep() for each step in the steps section of the YAML. The params section of each step is passed to RunStep() as a list of parameters along with a copy of the metadata header (lMeta) and any data (lData). RunStep() then parses the list of params by passing data from lMeta and lData when appropriate - see ?RunStep for a detailed of how parameter values are populated. Finally, the parsed parameters are passed to the function specified in the name field of the step.

steps examples

Metric steps example

In the example below, the steps to produce the AE analysis output is specified. Here, Threshold, GroupLevel, Type and nMinDenominator are specified in the meta section of the workflow, and would be access via the paramVal process discussed above. As a default, the output of these steps as run with RunWorkflows() would be a list of data tables, as specified in the final list step of the workflow.

  - name: ParseThreshold
    output: vThreshold
      strThreshold: Threshold
  - name: Input_Rate
    output: Analysis_Input
      dfSubjects: Mapped_SUBJ
      dfNumerator: Mapped_AE
      dfDenominator: Mapped_SUBJ
      strSubjectCol: subjid
      strGroupCol: invid
      strGroupLevel: GroupLevel
      strNumeratorMethod: Count
      strDenominatorMethod: Sum
      strDenominatorCol: timeonstudy
  - name: Transform_Rate
    output: Analysis_Transformed
      dfInput: Analysis_Input
  - name: Analyze_NormalApprox
    output: Analysis_Analyzed
      dfTransformed: Analysis_Transformed
      strType: AnalysisType
  - name: Flag_NormalApprox
    output: Analysis_Flagged
      dfAnalyzed: Analysis_Analyzed
      vThreshold: vThreshold
  - name: Summarize
    output: Analysis_Summary
      dfFlagged: Analysis_Flagged
      nMinDenominator: nMinDenominator
  - name: list
    output: kri0001
      id: ID
      input: Analysis_Input
      transformed: Analysis_Transformed
      analyzed: Analysis_Analyzed
      flagged: Analysis_Flagged
      summary: Analysis_Summary
Report steps example

In this example, the steps to produce a site-level KRI report is displayed. Here, the only inputs are the Reporting_* data, which goes through a simple filtering process via RunQuery before the Charts and Report are created in the following two functions

  - name: RunQuery
    output: Reporting_Results_Site
      df: Reporting_Results
      strQuery: "SELECT * FROM df WHERE GroupLevel == 'Site'"
  - name: RunQuery
    output: Reporting_Metrics_Site
      df: Reporting_Metrics
      strQuery: "SELECT * FROM df WHERE GroupLevel == 'Site'"
  - name: MakeCharts
    output: lCharts_Site
      dfResults: Reporting_Results_Site
      dfGroups: Reporting_Groups
      dfBounds: Reporting_Bounds
      dfMetrics: Reporting_Metrics_Site
  - name: Report_KRI
    output: lReport 
      lCharts: lCharts_Site
      dfResults: Reporting_Results_Site
      dfGroups: Reporting_Groups
      dfMetrics: Reporting_Metrics_Site

Directory Structure for Workflows

Each extension that produces report(s) will have a workflow directory in the inst of the package that follows a standard structure. This directory will contain 4 folders in which to store the yaml workflow files that map data, perform analysis, produce reporting data, and generate the output of a module. Each module output requires it’s own unique yaml in the 4_modules folder, which will take inputs generated from the previous three directories.


The mappings folder contains all of the mappings from Raw_* data to Mapped_* data. Each file within this directory is to be named for the data table it is creating, minus the Mapped_ suffix. The yamls will contain the three required sections, which are discussed in detail in the Module Configuration section above. The yamls in this folder will be combined via CombineSpecs() to create a master spec that defines all necessary tables and columns for the module(s) in this package.

Below are two examples of these mapping yaml files- the first which requires no transformations, and is very simple, and the second which requires multiple steps to produce the desired mapped data.

Mapped_AE mapping yaml file
  Type: Mapped
  ID: AE
  Description: Adverse Event Data Mapping 
  Priority: 1
      type: character
      type: character
  - output: Mapped_AE
    name: =
      lhs: Mapped_AE
      rhs: Raw_AE
Mapped_DATACHG mapping yaml file
  Type: Mapped
  Description: Data Changes Data Mapping 
  Priority: 2
      type: character
      source_col: subjectname
      type: integer
      type: character
      type: character
  # Merge [ subjid ] onto EDC domains.
  - output: Temp_SubjectLookup
    name: select
      .data: Mapped_SUBJ
      subjid: subjid
      subject_nsv: subject_nsv
  - output: Mapped_DATACHG
    name: left_join
      x: Raw_DATACHG
      "y": Temp_SubjectLookup
      by: subject_nsv


The metrics directory contains all of the workflows that perform analysis steps, converting mapped data into metrics that are displayed in a report. In the case of gsm, these metrics are the 12 Key Risk Indicators, calculated at both the site- and country-level, that are discussed in the Data Analysis Step-by-Step Vignette. Each yaml in this file produces a list of analysis data tables that capture the formatted input table, the transformed table, the flagged table, and the summary table. In general, these yamls should at least provide a summary table that contains statistics about the metric at the specified level of aggregation.

Examples of these yamls can be found above in the Module Configuration section, as well as in the (vignette("DataAnalysis")) vignette.


The reporting directory is intended to hold all of the workflows that produce the data that is required for the module outputs. This typically requires the stacking of analysis data from all of the relevant metrics into a single results data frame that can be surfaced in a report, or multiple reports. Additionally, any further information that must be taken from the analysis output, such as study/site/group/metric metadata and supporting statistics will be constructed through workflows in this folder.

Examples of these yamls can be found above in the Module Configuration section, as well as in vignette("DataReporting").


The modules directory contains the final workflow(s) of the reporting pipeline. These workflows each produce a single output based on the data tables that have been produced in the previous directories. These module workflows will contain all of the necessary meta information, as detailed in the Module Configuration section above, along with the data tables required, and steps to produce it, so that gsm::RunWorkflow() can take this workflow and produce the module output.

Below is an example of the module yaml workflow for the KRI Site Report in gsm

  Type: Report 
  ID: report_kri_site
  Output: html
  Name: Site-Level Key Risk Indicator Report
  Description: A report summarizing key risk indicators at the site level
  Repo: gsm v2.1.0
  Status: Qualified
  Permission: Users
  Outputs: An html report
      required: true
      required: true
      required: true
      required: true
  - name: RunQuery
    output: Reporting_Results_Site
      df: Reporting_Results
      strQuery: "SELECT * FROM df WHERE GroupLevel == 'Site'"
  - name: RunQuery
    output: Reporting_Metrics_Site
      df: Reporting_Metrics
      strQuery: "SELECT * FROM df WHERE GroupLevel == 'Site'"
  - name: MakeCharts
    output: lCharts_Site
      dfResults: Reporting_Results_Site
      dfGroups: Reporting_Groups
      dfBounds: Reporting_Bounds
      dfMetrics: Reporting_Metrics_Site
  - name: Report_KRI
    output: lReport
      lCharts: lCharts_Site
      dfResults: Reporting_Results_Site
      dfGroups: Reporting_Groups
      dfMetrics: Reporting_Metrics_Site