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The function creates all available charts for a metric using the data provided


  dfResults = dfResults,
  dfBounds = NULL,
  dfGroups = NULL,
  dfMetrics = NULL,
  strMetricID = NULL,
  strSnapshotDate = NULL,
  bDebug = FALSE



data.frame A stacked summary of analysis pipeline output. Created by passing a list of results returned by Summarize() to BindResults(). Expected columns: GroupID, GroupLevel, Numerator, Denominator, Metric, Score, Flag, MetricID, StudyID, SnapshotDate.


data.frame Set of predicted percentages/rates and upper- and lower-bounds across the full range of sample sizes/total exposure values for reporting. Created by passing dfResults and dfMetrics to MakeBounds(). Expected columns: Threshold, Denominator, Numerator, Metric, MetricID, StudyID, SnapshotDate.


data.frame Group-level metadata dictionary. Created by passing CTMS site and study data to MakeLongMeta(). Expected columns: GroupID, GroupLevel, Param, Value.


data.frame Metric-specific metadata for use in charts and reporting. Created by passing an lWorkflow object to MakeMetric(). Expected columns: File, MetricID, Group, Abbreviation, Metric, Numerator, Denominator, Model, Score, and Threshold. For more details see the Data Model vignette: vignette("DataModel", package = "gsm").


character MetricID to subset the data.


character Snapshot date to subset the data.


logical Display console in html viewer for debugging. Default is FALSE.


A list containing the following charts:

  • scatterPlot: A scatter plot using JavaScript.

  • barChart: A bar chart using JavaScript with metric on the y-axis.

  • timeSeries: A time series chart using JavaScript with score on the y-axis.

  • metricTable: A table containing all


lCharts <- Visualize_Metric(
  dfResults = reportingResults,
  dfBounds = reportingBounds,
  dfGroups = reportingGroups,
  dfMetrics = reportingMetrics,
  strMetricID = "Analysis_kri0001"
#> Parsed -2,-1,2,3 to numeric vector: -2, -1, 2, 3