Generate a study info table summarizing study metadata.
MakeStudyInfo(dfGroups, lStudyLabels = NULL, lStudy = deprecated())
- dfGroups
Group-level metadata dictionary. Created by
passing CTMS site and study data to MakeLongMeta()
. Expected columns:
, GroupLevel
, Param
, Value
- lStudyLabels
A list containing study labels. Default is NULL.
- lStudy
Study information as a named list.
A data.frame containing study metadata.
#> Param Value Description
#> 1 protocol_row_id 1-1G9113 Protocol Row Id
#> 2 studyid AA-AA-000-0000 Studyid
#> 3 protocol_title Protocol Title Protocol Title
#> 4 nickname Protocol Nickname Nickname
#> 5 protocol_type Investigator Sponsored Protocol Type
#> 6 phase P3 Phase
#> 7 num_plan_site 190 Num Plan Site
#> 8 num_site_actl 176 Num Site Actl
#> 9 est_fpfv 2003-01-01 Est Fpfv
#> 10 act_fpfv 2003-01-01 Act Fpfv
#> 11 est_lplv 2021-06-01 Est Lplv
#> 12 act_lplv 2021-06-01 Act Lplv
#> 13 est_lpfv 2020-06-01 Est Lpfv
#> 14 act_lpfv 2020-06-01 Act Lpfv
#> 15 Status Active Study Status
#> 16 num_plan_subj 1300 Num Plan Subj
#> 17 num_enrolled_subj_m 1301 Num Enrolled Subj M
#> 18 protocol_indication Protocol Indication Protocol Indication
#> 19 product Product Product
#> 20 therapeutic_area Therapeutic Area Therapeutic Area
#> 21 protocol_product_number 123 Protocol Product Number
#> 22 x_rbm_flg Y X Rbm Flg
#> 23 ParticipantCount 50 Participants Enrolled
#> 24 SiteCount 154 Sites Enrolled
MakeStudyInfo(gsm::reportingGroups, list(SiteCount = "# Sites"))
#> Param Value Description
#> 1 protocol_row_id 1-1G9113 Protocol Row Id
#> 2 studyid AA-AA-000-0000 Studyid
#> 3 protocol_title Protocol Title Protocol Title
#> 4 nickname Protocol Nickname Nickname
#> 5 protocol_type Investigator Sponsored Protocol Type
#> 6 phase P3 Phase
#> 7 num_plan_site 190 Num Plan Site
#> 8 num_site_actl 176 Num Site Actl
#> 9 est_fpfv 2003-01-01 Est Fpfv
#> 10 act_fpfv 2003-01-01 Act Fpfv
#> 11 est_lplv 2021-06-01 Est Lplv
#> 12 act_lplv 2021-06-01 Act Lplv
#> 13 est_lpfv 2020-06-01 Est Lpfv
#> 14 act_lpfv 2020-06-01 Act Lpfv
#> 15 Status Active Status
#> 16 num_plan_subj 1300 Num Plan Subj
#> 17 num_enrolled_subj_m 1301 Num Enrolled Subj M
#> 18 protocol_indication Protocol Indication Protocol Indication
#> 19 product Product Product
#> 20 therapeutic_area Therapeutic Area Therapeutic Area
#> 21 protocol_product_number 123 Protocol Product Number
#> 22 x_rbm_flg Y X Rbm Flg
#> 23 ParticipantCount 50 Participant Count
#> 24 SiteCount 154 # Sites