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This function generates a KRI report based on the provided inputs.


  lCharts = NULL,
  dfResults = NULL,
  dfGroups = NULL,
  dfMetrics = NULL,
  strOutputDir = getwd(),
  strOutputFile = NULL



A list of charts to include in the report.


data.frame A stacked summary of analysis pipeline output. Created by passing a list of results returned by Summarize() to BindResults(). Expected columns: GroupID, GroupLevel, Numerator, Denominator, Metric, Score, Flag, MetricID, StudyID, SnapshotDate.


data.frame Group-level metadata dictionary. Created by passing CTMS site and study data to MakeLongMeta(). Expected columns: GroupID, GroupLevel, Param, Value.


data.frame Metric-specific metadata for use in charts and reporting. Created by passing an lWorkflow object to MakeMetric(). Expected columns: File, MetricID, Group, Abbreviation, Metric, Numerator, Denominator, Model, Score, and Threshold. For more details see the Data Model vignette: vignette("DataModel", package = "gsm").


The output directory path for the generated report. If not provided, the report will be saved in the current working directory.


The output file name for the generated report. If not provided, the report will be named based on the study ID, Group Level and Date.


File path of the saved report html is returned invisibly. Save to object to view absolute output path.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Run reports
lCharts <- MakeCharts(
  dfResults = reportingResults,
  dfGroups = reportingGroups,
  dfMetrics = reportingMetrics,
  dfBounds = reportingBounds

strOutputFile <- "StandardSiteReport.html"
kri_report_path <- Report_KRI(
  lCharts = lCharts,
  dfResults = reportingResults,
  dfGroups = reportingGroups,
  dfMetrics = reportingMetrics,
  strOutputFile = strOutputFile
} # }