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This function generates a summary table for a report by joining the provided results data frame with the site-level metadata from dfGroups. It then filters and arranges the data based on certain conditions and displays the result in a datatable.


  dfGroups = NULL,
  strGroupLevel = c("Site", "Country", "Study"),
  strGroupDetailsParams = NULL,
  vFlags = c(-2, -1, 1, 2)



data.frame A stacked summary of analysis pipeline output. Created by passing a list of results returned by Summarize() to BindResults(). Expected columns: GroupID, GroupLevel, Numerator, Denominator, Metric, Score, Flag, MetricID, StudyID, SnapshotDate. For this function, dfResults must be filtered to a single KRI (MetricID).


data.frame Group-level metadata dictionary. Created by passing CTMS site and study data to MakeLongMeta(). Expected columns: GroupID, GroupLevel, Param, Value.


group level for the table


one or more parameters from dfGroups to be added as columns in the table


integer List of flag values to include in output table. Default: c(-2, -1, 1, 2).


A gt::gt() containing the summary table.


# site-level report
  dfResults = reportingResults %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$MetricID == "Analysis_kri0001") %>%
  dfGroups = reportingGroups
Group Enrolled Numerator Denominator Metric Score Flag
0X036 (Gonzales) 2 327 6619 0.05 -2.25
0X052 (Agenar) 3 378 7502 0.05 -2.04
0X045 (Horton) 4 383 6013 0.06 2.49
X187X (al-Hasen) 4 521 8423 0.06 2.24
0X027 (Owens) 1 113 1652 0.07 2.11
0X024 (Rinard) 4 491 8002 0.06 2.00
0X004 (Touch) 3 360 7137 0.05 -1.97
0X096 (el-Agha) 4 274 5510 0.05 -1.95
0X057 (Aragon) 1 33 823 0.04 -1.91
0X066 (Lipps) 2 187 3792 0.05 -1.73
0X115 (John) 3 266 5249 0.05 -1.62
0X165 (Pinar) 1 73 1569 0.05 -1.57
0X034 (Yeadon) 2 222 4392 0.05 -1.52
0X179 (Terry) 3 339 6552 0.05 -1.45
0X090 (el-Attar) 4 302 5850 0.05 -1.40
0X166 (Garcia) 5 484 9192 0.05 -1.35
0X123 (Martinez) 1 66 1391 0.05 -1.34
0X143 (el-Salih) 1 66 1391 0.05 -1.34
0X170 (Herlin) 1 66 1391 0.05 -1.34
0X135 (Hager) 2 193 3793 0.05 -1.32
0X029 (Truong) 3 202 3960 0.05 -1.32
0X013 (el-Allam) 2 153 3027 0.05 -1.26
0X177 (Crowe) 3 136 2694 0.05 -1.20
0X042 (el-Massoud) 3 265 5092 0.05 -1.19
0X134 (Keese) 1 111 2219 0.05 -1.18
0X095 (Gonzales) 3 274 5257 0.05 -1.18
0X159 (Flores) 2 193 3743 0.05 -1.14
0X110 (Cleckley) 2 188 3628 0.05 -1.06
0X030 (Hutchinson) 2 111 2191 0.05 -1.05
0X010 (al-Radi) 1 52 1070 0.05 -1.01
0X103 (al-Mona) 3 226 4317 0.05 -1.01
0X121 (Rodriguez-Cruz) 1 73 1467 0.05 -1.00