This vignette contains sample code showing how to use the Good
Statistical Monitoring gsm package using sample data from
For more information on the gsm package see the package homepage.
Setup and Installation
Run the following:
## Install devtools
## Install and load sample raw data
devtools::install_github("Gilead-BioStats/clindata", ref = "main")
## Install and load gsm
devtools::install_github("Gilead-BioStats/gsm", ref = "main")
Example 1 - Adverse Events Metric - Scripted
This example uses the standard {gsm} analysis workflows to creates site-level Adverse Event scripts. See the Data Analysis Vignette for more detail.
- Example 1.1 calculates the Site-level AE rates.
- Example 1.2 adds a filter to include only Serious Adverse Events (SAEs) and implements pipes to run through the workflow.
- Example 1.3 generates bar charts showing SAE rates and z-scores by study.
- Example 1.4 generates a scatter plot with confidence bound for SAE rates.
#### Example 1.1 - Generate an Adverse Event Metric using the standard {gsm} workflow
dfInput <- Input_Rate(
dfSubjects= clindata::rawplus_dm,
dfNumerator= clindata::rawplus_ae,
dfDenominator = clindata::rawplus_dm,
strSubjectCol = "subjid",
strGroupCol = "siteid",
strNumeratorMethod= "Count",
strDenominatorMethod= "Sum",
strDenominatorCol= "timeonstudy"
dfTransformed <- Transform_Rate(dfInput)
dfAnalyzed <- Analyze_NormalApprox(dfTransformed, strType = "rate")
dfFlagged <- Flag_NormalApprox(dfAnalyzed, vThreshold = c(-3,-2,2,3))
dfSummarized <- Summarize(dfFlagged)
#### Example 1.2 - Make an SAE Metric by adding a filter. Also works with pipes.
SAE_KRI <- Input_Rate(
dfSubjects= clindata::rawplus_dm,
dfNumerator= clindata::rawplus_ae %>% filter(aeser=="Y"),
dfDenominator = clindata::rawplus_dm,
strSubjectCol = "subjid",
strGroupCol = "siteid",
strNumeratorMethod= "Count",
strDenominatorMethod= "Sum",
strDenominatorCol= "timeonstudy"
) %>%
Transform_Rate %>%
Analyze_NormalApprox(strType = "rate") %>%
Flag_NormalApprox(vThreshold = c(-3,-2,2,3)) %>%
### Example 1.3 - Visualize Metric distribution using Bar Charts using provided htmlwidgets
labels <- list(
Metric= "Serious Adverse Event Rate",
Numerator= "Serious Adverse Events",
Denominator= "Days on Study"
Widget_BarChart(dfResults = SAE_KRI, lMetric=labels, strOutcome="Metric")
Widget_BarChart(dfResults = SAE_KRI, lMetric=labels, strOutcome="Score")
Widget_BarChart(dfResults = SAE_KRI, lMetric=labels, strOutcome="Numerator")
### Example 1.4 - Create Scatter plot with confidence bounds
dfBounds <- Analyze_NormalApprox_PredictBounds(SAE_KRI, vThreshold = c(-3,-2,2,3))
Widget_ScatterPlot(SAE_KRI, lMetric = labels, dfBounds = dfBounds)
Example 2 - Adverse Events Metrics - Workflow
This examples introduces YAML workflows to re-generate the same results as in Example 1 via a reusable pipeline. See the Data Model Vignette for more detail.
- Example 2.1 runs the AE KRI workflow.
- Example 2.2 updates the metadata to run country-level metrics.
- Example 2.3 adds a filtering step to the workflow to generate the SAE metric.
#### Example 2.1 - Configurable Adverse Event Workflow
# Define YAML workflow
AE_workflow <- read_yaml(text=
Type: Analysis
ID: kri0001
GroupLevel: Site
Abbreviation: AE
Metric: Adverse Event Rate
Numerator: Adverse Events
Denominator: Days on Study
Model: Normal Approximation
Score: Adjusted Z-Score
AnalysisType: rate
Threshold: -2,-1,2,3
nMinDenominator: 30
type: character
type: character
type: character
type: integer
- output: vThreshold
name: ParseThreshold
strThreshold: Threshold
- output: Analysis_Input
name: Input_Rate
dfSubjects: Mapped_SUBJ
dfNumerator: Mapped_AE
dfDenominator: Mapped_SUBJ
strSubjectCol: subjid
strGroupCol: invid
strGroupLevel: GroupLevel
strNumeratorMethod: Count
strDenominatorMethod: Sum
strDenominatorCol: timeonstudy
- output: Analysis_Transformed
name: Transform_Rate
dfInput: Analysis_Input
- output: Analysis_Analyzed
name: Analyze_NormalApprox
dfTransformed: Analysis_Transformed
strType: AnalysisType
- output: Analysis_Flagged
name: Flag_NormalApprox
dfAnalyzed: Analysis_Analyzed
vThreshold: vThreshold
- output: Analysis_Summary
name: Summarize
dfFlagged: Analysis_Flagged
nMinDenominator: nMinDenominator
- output: lAnalysis
name: list
Analysis_Input: Analysis_Input
Analysis_Transformed: Analysis_Transformed
Analysis_Analyzed: Analysis_Analyzed
Analysis_Flagged: Analysis_Flagged
Analysis_Summary: Analysis_Summary
# Run the workflow
AE_data <-list(
Mapped_SUBJ= clindata::rawplus_dm,
Mapped_AE= clindata::rawplus_ae
AE_KRI <- RunWorkflow(lWorkflow = AE_workflow, lData = AE_data)
# Create Barchart from workflow
Widget_BarChart(dfResults = AE_KRI$Analysis_Summary)
#### Example 2.2 - Run Country-Level Metric
AE_country_workflow <- AE_workflow
AE_country_workflow$meta$GroupLevel <- "Country"
AE_country_workflow$steps[[2]]$params$strGroupCol <- "country"
AE_country_KRI <- RunWorkflow(lWorkflow = AE_country_workflow, lData = AE_data)
Widget_BarChart(dfResults = AE_country_KRI$Analysis_Summary, lMetric = AE_country_workflow$meta)
#### Example 2.3 - Create SAE workflow
# Tweak AE workflow metadata
SAE_workflow <- AE_workflow
SAE_workflow$meta$File <- "SAE_KRI"
SAE_workflow$meta$Metric <- "Serious Adverse Event Rate"
SAE_workflow$meta$Numerator <- "Serious Adverse Events"
# Add a step to filter out non-serious AEs `RunQuery`
filterStep <- list(list(
name = "RunQuery",
output = "Mapped_AE",
params= list(
df= "Mapped_AE",
strQuery = "SELECT * FROM df WHERE aeser = 'Y'"
SAE_workflow$steps <- SAE_workflow$steps %>% append(filterStep, after=0)
# Run the updated workflow
SAE_KRI <- RunWorkflow(lWorkflow = SAE_workflow, lData = AE_data )
Widget_BarChart(dfResults = SAE_KRI$Analysis_Summary, lMetric = SAE_workflow$meta)
Example 3 - Study-Level Reporting Workflows
This example extends the previous examples to generate charts and reports for multiple KRIs. See the Data Reporting Vignette for more detail.
- Example 3.1 steps through several workflows to generate a report for all 12 standard site-level KRIs.
Example 3.2 automates data ingestion using
. -
Example 3.3 generates a report incorporating
multiple timepoints using the sample
data saved as part of {gsm}.
#### 3.1 - Create a KRI Report using 12 standard metrics in a step-by-step workflow
# Source Data
lSource <- list(
Source_SUBJ = clindata::rawplus_dm,
Source_AE = clindata::rawplus_ae,
Source_PD = clindata::ctms_protdev,
Source_LB = clindata::rawplus_lb,
Source_STUDCOMP = clindata::rawplus_studcomp,
Source_SDRGCOMP = clindata::rawplus_sdrgcomp %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$phase == 'Blinded Study Drug Completion'),
Source_DATACHG = clindata::edc_data_points,
Source_DATAENT = clindata::edc_data_pages,
Source_QUERY = clindata::edc_queries,
Source_ENROLL = clindata::rawplus_enroll,
Source_SITE = clindata::ctms_site,
Source_STUDY = clindata::ctms_study
# Step 0 - Data Ingestion - standardize tables/columns names
lRaw <- list(
Raw_SUBJ = lSource$Source_SUBJ,
Raw_AE = lSource$Source_AE,
Raw_PD = lSource$Source_PD %>%
rename(subjid = subjectenrollmentnumber),
Raw_LB = lSource$Source_LB,
Raw_STUDCOMP = lSource$Source_STUDCOMP %>%
select(subjid, compyn),
Raw_SDRGCOMP = lSource$Source_SDRGCOMP,
Raw_DATACHG = lSource$Source_DATACHG %>%
rename(subject_nsv = subjectname),
Raw_DATAENT = lSource$Source_DATAENT %>%
rename(subject_nsv = subjectname),
Raw_QUERY = lSource$Source_QUERY %>%
rename(subject_nsv = subjectname),
Raw_ENROLL = lSource$Source_ENROLL,
Raw_SITE = lSource$Source_SITE %>%
rename(studyid = protocol) %>%
rename(invid = pi_number) %>%
rename(InvestigatorFirstName = pi_first_name) %>%
rename(InvestigatorLastName = pi_last_name) %>%
rename(City = city) %>%
rename(State = state) %>%
rename(Country = country) %>%
rename(Status = site_status),
Raw_STUDY = lSource$Source_STUDY %>%
rename(studyid = protocol_number) %>%
rename(Status = status)
# Step 1 - Create Mapped Data Layer - filter, aggregate and join raw data to create mapped data layer
mappings_wf <- MakeWorkflowList(strPath = "workflow/1_mappings")
mapped <- RunWorkflows(mappings_wf, lRaw)
# Step 2 - Create Metrics - calculate metrics using mapped data
metrics_wf <- MakeWorkflowList(strPath = "workflow/2_metrics")
analyzed <- RunWorkflows(metrics_wf, mapped)
# Step 3 - Create Reporting Layer - create reports using metrics data
reporting_wf <- MakeWorkflowList(strPath = "workflow/3_reporting")
reporting <- RunWorkflows(reporting_wf, c(mapped, list(lAnalyzed = analyzed,
lWorkflows = metrics_wf)))
# Step 4 - Create KRI Reports - create KRI report using reporting data
module_wf <- MakeWorkflowList(strPath = "workflow/4_modules")
lReports <- RunWorkflows(module_wf, reporting)
#### 3.2 - Automate data ingestion using Ingest() and CombineSpecs()
# Step 0 - Data Ingestion - standardize tables/columns names
mappings_wf <- MakeWorkflowList(strPath = "workflow/1_mappings")
mappings_spec <- CombineSpecs(mappings_wf)
lRaw <- Ingest(lSource, mappings_spec)
# Step 1 - Create Mapped Data Layer - filter, aggregate and join raw data to create mapped data layer
mapped <- RunWorkflows(mappings_wf, lRaw)
# Step 2 - Create Metrics - calculate metrics using mapped data
metrics_wf <- MakeWorkflowList(strPath = "workflow/2_metrics")
analyzed <- RunWorkflows(metrics_wf, mapped)
# Step 3 - Create Reporting Layer - create reports using metrics data
reporting_wf <- MakeWorkflowList(strPath = "workflow/3_reporting")
reporting <- RunWorkflows(reporting_wf, c(mapped, list(lAnalyzed = analyzed,
lWorkflows = metrics_wf)))
# Step 4 - Create KRI Report - create KRI report using reporting data
module_wf <- MakeWorkflowList(strPath = "workflow/4_modules")
lReports <- RunWorkflows(module_wf, reporting)
#### 3.4 - Combine steps in to a single workflow
#ss_wf <- MakeWorkflowList(strNames = "Snapshot")
#lReports <- RunWorkflows(ss_wf, lSource)
#### 3.4 - Use Study configuration to specify data sources
# StudyConfig <- Read_yaml("inst/workflow/config.yaml")
# mapped <- RunWorkflows(mappings_wf, lConfig=StudyConfig)
# analyzed <- RunWorkflows(metrics_wf, lConfig=StudyConfig)
# reporting <- RunWorkflows(reporting_wf, lConfig=StudyConfig)
# lReports <- RunWorkflows(module_wf, lConfig=StudyConfig)
#### 3.3 Site-Level KRI Report with multiple SnapshotDate
lCharts <- MakeCharts(
dfResults = gsm::reportingResults,
dfGroups = gsm::reportingGroups,
dfMetrics = gsm::reportingMetrics,
dfBounds = gsm::reportingBounds
kri_report_path <- Report_KRI(
lCharts = lCharts,
dfResults = FilterByLatestSnapshotDate(reportingResults),
dfGroups = gsm::reportingGroups,
dfMetrics = gsm::reportingMetrics