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gsmApp 1.0.0

This is the first major release of gsmApp! 🥳

New Features

  • Adds a faceted scatter plot view for easy comparison of a site across all assessments.
  • New approach for using sample data, using the qs. This allows the app to be deployed to
  • All columns are now available for view/inspection for a given domain.
  • UI has been modified for a better user experience.

Other Improvements

  • Fixed bug in sample data that erroneously used {gsm} v1.9.2 instead of the current dev branch, which includes fixes to htmlwidgets allowing for interaction with a Shiny app.

gsmApp 0.6.0

This release is planned to be the pre-v1.0.0 release and includes some significant changes to the UI, as well as changes that allow the app to be used experimentally on live study data.

New Features

  • Adds site and participant metadata with improved drill-down functionality.
  • All charts are linked to the side-panel, so when a site is selected, metadata is presented for the selected site across all tabs.
  • The UI has been modified based on user feedback to provide a better experience while navigating the app.

Other Improvements

  • Namespacing and documentation has been updated to be consistent with other R packages and apps in the ecosystem.